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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

To understand sanctification prior to the Church age requires consideration of the degrees of continuity and discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments (hereinafter I use the abbreviations OT and NT, respectively). Should we take NT revelation regarding sanctification and project that back into the OT? Or shall we attempt to understand OT sanctification on its own terms? This decision requires consideration of the dynamics of progressive revelation: is the “progress” mainly a progress in understanding God’s virtually unchanging work, or is it a sequential progress in that work itself? How one answers this question largely determines how one views OT positional sanctification.1 For example, were OT saints justified and regenerated in the same sense as NT saints, or were those divine acts that occurred earlier in progressive revelation different? ...
Series:2011 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference
Duration:1 hr 12 mins 47 secs