Old Testament StudiesThis category of studies includes all Old Testament book studies. Note: All Completed Studies are sorted alphabetically by series and then in chronological order within the series. |

Dr. Dean taught Old Testament Survey I: Creation to David at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, TX.
The recording equipment is not the same equipment used at West Houston Bible Church, thus the quality will not be the same.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/cbsotsurvey1.xml |

Dr. Dean taught Old Testament Survey I: Creation to David - at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, TX. These lessons are from previous semesters.
The recording equipment is not the same equipment used at West Houston Bible Church, thus the quality will not be the same.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/cbsotsurvey2.xml |

Daniel is a book that gives us a tremendous amount of confidence in God’s control of history and it also teaches us a lot about how a believer can be a success in life, not necessarily financial, material or career success, but success in the spiritual life. A believer can be a success, maintain happiness, stability and tranquility in life without compromising doctrine.
Daniel is a man who did not compromise on anything and God honored him and blessed him and raised him to not only the second highest position in the Babylonian Empire, but once the Persians came in and destroyed the Babylonian Empire Daniel was again elevated to one of the highest positions in the Persian Empire.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2001daniel.xml |

Genesis is the book of beginnings: the beginning of creation, man, sin, redemption, the divine institutions, covenants and much more. Almost every doctrine in the Scripture has its foundation in Genesis, which makes it crucial for every believer to understand this book. The first 11 chapters are the most attacked portion of all the Bible. This is because they form the foundation for Christian thinking - divine viewpoint thinking. If you want to properly orient to God's essence, His grace and think as Christ thinks, then Genesis is indispensable.
Note that further development of the early Genesis material (i.e., Genesis 1–4) was taught in the 1st and 2nd Samuel series (lessons #136–145).
Starting with lesson number 76, video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered from Dean Bible Ministries here or here.
To view all video Bible studies in the Genesis series, vlivk here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube).
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2003genesis.xml |

Judges is a book that is rarely taught on in any church. This is a tragedy because it is a book for our times. What is impressive about this book is the theme. The last verse in Judges: “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Judges was in many ways the dark ages of Israel’s history: they rejected the authority of God, they rejected the authority of Scripture, and in its place they substituted their own authority. In other words, instead of looking to God and His Word for absolutes and structuring all their thought under that umbrella they looked to the community, to one another, to themselves as the source of absolute right and wrong. So there was a culture that was drenched in moral relativism. It shouldn’t take too long to figure out what the application is and how it relates to our culture in the twentieth century today. We will see a number of themes that are developed and we are going to see the pathology of an apostate, anti-God, relativistic culture and how it affects everything: how it changes worship practices, how it affects the role of men and women in a society in contrast to God’s plan for the role of men and women, and how degraded a culture can become when they are paganized.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2000judges.xml |

The study in Kings will cover both 1 Kings and 2 Kings. All of the kings of Israel, from the death of David and the reign of Solomon, through the divided Kingdom, to the end of the Southern Kingdom when they went into exile.
The purpose of 1 King and 2 Kings is to continue the narrative related to the Davidic kingship and the seed of Abraham where Samuel left off, beginning from the death of David. 1 Samuel covers the transition from the theocracy to the united monarchy and 2 Samuel focuses on the consolidation of the kingdom. 1 Kings begins with the glory and the expansion of the kingdom under Solomon and then its subsequent disintegration and eventual destruction in 2 Kings.
It has a historical purpose to trace the line but the most important thing is the theological purpose, that there are lessons to be learned here and the writer is showing how God is faithful to His promise, both in terms of blessing Israel in terms of grace and in terms of judgment. Grace and judgment continue to be themes. It also has a philosophical purpose because it gives us a divine philosophy of history. It is crucial to be able to look at history from the divine viewpoint and not from the viewpoint of economics or politics or race.
Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here and here.
To view all video Bible studies in the Kings series, click here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube).
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2007kings.xml |

Proverbs is a one-of-a-kind book, there is no other like it in the Scriptures. There are books in the Old Testament that are of a similar nature, and scholars classify these as “wisdom literature.” There are some wisdom psalms. Proverbs is the ultimate wisdom book. Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon are also classified as wisdom literature.
The concept of wisdom is one that is often misunderstood. Wisdom in our Greco-Roman heritage has a different connotation. It is the idea that comes from the Greek philosophers and it has the idea of intellectual acumen, the ability to utilize logic and rhetoric in an intellectual manner. Whereas the wisdom of the Middle Eastern culture was quite different, the wisdom of the Scripture was quite different; it has to do with the practical values of taking the instruction of God’s Word and applying it in an artful, skillful and beautiful manner to one’s life so that you produce within the scope of your life something that has value. So wisdom in a biblical sense is extremely practical. It is probably the word that most accurately reflects the farthest or most extensive way of applying Scripture. Proverbs is a guide for skillful living.
Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here and here.
To view all video Bible studies in the Proverbs series, click here.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2013proverbs.xml |

As Dr. Dean teaches through his "regular" series, he will often tie in a related Psalm. that provides additional insight into the passage. In the Psalms series we have a collection of these Psalms that were taught in connection with those series.
Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here.

Ruth is one of the most poignant of books in the Bible. At times it is heart-breaking; other times it is intense and penetrating because it cuts to the heart of our common human experience.
A major theme in this book has to do with the grace of God in transforming suffering into blessing and sorrow into joy. Therefore Ruth, set in the context of the dark days of the judges, the time of Israel’s greatest apostasy and spiritual rebellion against God, we see that even in the midst of the rank paganism that is influencing the nation at that time, even in the midst of all the violence that is taking place, that there is a message that even in the darkest days of our own lives, no matter how horrible things may seem, there is always hope. If we are alive, God still has a plan and a purpose for our lives. We see this in Ruth, that even in the dark days of the judges God has not forgotten His people, has not ignored His people, but is even in the midst of their rebellion and spiritual apostasy working to bring about the solution. Ruth is the book of hope because what Ruth ends with is the foreshadowing of her great grandson who is David, the type of Christ who will bring the greatest period of prosperity and blessing to the nation. So Ruth is a book about grace and how God transforms suffering and cursing into blessing.
Classes in this series were taught at Preston City Bible Church.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2001ruth.xml |

Most Christians today are woefully ignorant of the Old Testament. The Scripture says some very profound things about the Old Testament. In 2 Timothy 3:15-17 NASB “and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” Paul is writing to Timothy and he reminds him of how he through his mother and his grandmother was taught the Scriptures from infancy. Notice he refers to the Scriptures as the “scared writings.” Throughout the Scriptures in the New Testament we see this emphasis that there is a body of literature called sacred writings, called the Scriptures, the holy Scriptures and the Word of God.
At the time that Timothy was a child nothing in the New Testament had been written, so when Paul says “from childhood … sacred writings” he is talking about the Old Testament canon that was available to Timothy. The very fact that he uses the phrase “sacred writings” indicates that there was an assumed canon of Scripture at that time that was authoritative. He said in verse 15 that these sacred writings were “able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” So he says of the Old Testament that it is able to give all the information he needed to be saved and that it pointed to Jesus Christ.
![]() | To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software. www.deanbibleministries.org/podcasts/2000UnderstandingOT.xml |